To set up woocommerce invoice payments please read the the body of this article.
Get setup for WooCommerce invoice payments gateway. There are many Invoice Payment plugins that work like Gateways for a WooCommerce store. Payolee offer allows you to your invoice online customers. Payolee offers woocommerce recurring payments
Use payolee to have your WooCommerce invoice emailed to your customers and have them checkout when its time for payment. You can disable or enable the gate way at anytime, When a customer pays an invoice payolee send a recipt email to the seller and the buyer . Payolee currently doesn't have a WooCommerce plugin but you can find WooCommerce plugins here . For woocommerce recurring payments payolee offers this
With payolee you can process payment when you use our woocommerce service get set up for woocommerce Processing if you need any help give us a call or a email